Philips Sonicare wanted to capture new audiences by engaging them through casual gaming. Working with The Sims, we helped to choreograph an authentic experience between game and online retail.

We started by creating an expert Sim for players to relate to.
Philips Sonicare is a brand based on science, an attribute we wanted to highlight in the lighthearted and comedic context of The Sims FreePlay. We created a character, a scientist named Max, to bridge the gap between the real world and the Sims world.
We used everyday game play to motivate the user.
We worked with Philips Sonicare and EA to define a series of branded in-game objects and goals to introduce users to the Philips Sonicare brand. The user would interact with these objects over a series of seven days to unlock game objects. Our hope was that in-game habits would translate to real-life healthy habits.
Conversion required a flow with as little friction as possible.
Success meant maintaining engagment through the transition from game play to purchase. We used a combination of Sims and Philips Sonicare elements to maintain consistency as the user moved from one world to the other. While we provided a number of options for users to learn more, these were secondary to the coupon itself.
one designer, creative director, tech director
creative director